They put it out as a split with Swansea's finest (if ever there was a backhanded compliment...) Syd Howells and his mob Photographed by Lightning.

More of that blighter another time, though perhaps you could also seek out Steveless and Syd Howells, Syd Howells, Thee Bable Fish, Doris Karloff or The Disasters records in the meantime. If you're still sane after all of that, then you're welcome to return here.
Anyway, Syd's side was Eyes on Stalks; my side was Run.
This was the first track I ever recorded with a drum kit on it. I'd had it the previous week for Chrimbob and was keen to use it, so I set it up and then set the tape player going.
I thought I could now do "proper" songs.
This was the start of my recording experience, really. In those days, I didn't know how to cut the beginning off a song, so it begins with a bit of quiet bumbling as I ran from the tape recorder to the drum stool on the other side of the room. Of course, I was improvising, so I then proceeded to hit the drums for a while until I found a beat; this had the twin benefit of also giving me some warning for when I added the other layers of instruments/vocals later. I was never able to start a song right away, and I hate count-ins. So, to ruin what might otherwise be an ever so dramatic and portentous intro; it was all practicalities, round my way.
I can't remember what the song is about. But I was a moody little student at the time, so clearly it would be all about me. That's what people want, though, right?
I haven't listened to it yet, and will do so when I upload it in a minute. I do know, though, that it's bloody good and I have always been quite proud of it. I was chuffed to pieces that Taffpop wanted to release it. One day, I shall talk more about Taffpop, putting the single together and the launch party. But I'm hungry and want to get off. Suffice to say, this was a good moment for Steveless, it got a bit of attention and some good radio play, including BBC Radio One and BBC Radio Wales.
It's still available in some shops now. Although, for a lot more than it used to be. So, for those buggers still selling it - and at marked up prices - I'm sorry, but its now free. That one sale you hoped for in the next five years...probably not happening.
Download to your heart's content:
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